dimmable wet cell LED light fixture

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Registriert: 08.03.2012 18:26
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dimmable wet cell LED light fixture

Beitrag von chase4food » 23.01.2019 19:49

I just finished up the conversion of the wet cell CF light fixture into lower power LED. I wanted to maintain similar color spectrum but prefer slightly less pink. While carrying out the conversion, I realize I can modify the fixture to have a high and low selection with minimal and reversible modification.

the wet cell fixture being bench tested after modification

I set out to intended to install three strips of this LED tape light side by side

the modification is very trivail

I soon realized three strips may generate too much heat for the plastic housing to dissipate and too much power consumption so I decided to use only one strip

there is adequate light with one strip and the power consumption is good compared to about 12W consumption of the original CF fixture

about 360 mA at 13.5V

I did a good amount of bench test to ensure the fixture does not get too hot. Soon I would realize that I can add a High/Low selection with minimal effort. Low is with one strip, and high is with two strips. The High setting is for used when in occasions that I need more light, like cleaning the wet cell. :shock:

two strips of LED tape light

here is the secret behind the high/low setting (dimmable) :mrgreen:

double the light, double the power consumption and heat

here is the color rendering - which I like for not being as pinkish as the original CF and is not green as a lot of warm white LEDs

for reference here is the color rendering with reference to the galley lights which are very ideal that is warm white on the cooler side

All the details of the conversion are here in my blog:
http://eat-drink-men-women.blogspot.com ... art-2.html


- Vince

2005 1/100-NAFTA :D James Cook - Brünnhilde
1989 VW Westfalia Camper GL - Isolde


Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 27.07.2018 19:58

Re: dimmable wet cell LED light fixture

Beitrag von pureinla » 26.01.2019 21:16

Hey Vince, great modification!

Can you explain how you are able to switch between the single and double Led strips. Do you need a separate power on/off? I have the same lights in my California Exclusive. They only have a two position switch - on/off. I'd love to do this mod to all my lights.

Beiträge: 71
Registriert: 08.03.2012 18:26
Wohnort: Amerika - das Land des reichlich und Überschuss

Re: dimmable wet cell LED light fixture

Beitrag von chase4food » 29.01.2019 04:30

pureinla hat geschrieben:
26.01.2019 21:16
Hey Vince, great modification!

Can you explain how you are able to switch between the single and double Led strips. Do you need a separate power on/off? I have the same lights in my California Exclusive. They only have a two position switch - on/off. I'd love to do this mod to all my lights.
Sorry for not explaining the finer points. This high/low feature uses the fixture's on/off switch as James Cook wet cell already has a on/off switch adjacent to the entry door. As the fixture's on/off switch is redundant for most folks I repurposed it to switch the second light strip. The first light strip is wired to the 12V input of the fixture. So when the fixture's switch is set to off, only one LED light strip is powered.

I suppose your California Exclusive likely don't have this wall switch so the scheme will not work.


- Vince

2005 1/100-NAFTA :D James Cook - Brünnhilde
1989 VW Westfalia Camper GL - Isolde


Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 27.07.2018 19:58

Re: dimmable wet cell LED light fixture

Beitrag von pureinla » 29.01.2019 05:13

Ah yes, this is indeed the problem. Time to see if I can find a different switch...or perhaps a dimmer.


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