Die Suche ergab 71 Treffer

von chase4food
11.08.2021 05:43
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Kühlbox auf neue Technik umrüsten?
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 3268

Re: Kühlbox auf neue Technik umrüsten?

Was wäre denn Deiner Meinung nach der Stand der Technik? Ich geb unsere Kühlbox auch nicht mehr her :mrgreen: BG Thomas I am always like to be at the bleeding edge of technology. From what I heard R134 is ancient. The latest rage is ammonia as the super efficient refrigerant. A little birdie told m...
von chase4food
20.07.2021 19:09
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Grundeinstellung Bremskraftregler
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1581

Re: Grundeinstellung Bremskraftregler

Brake force regulator for street cars, especially lowly delivery vans were so 70s. :mrgreen: These days only race cars has mechanical brake pressure bias adjustment. Even some has done away with them.
von chase4food
01.12.2019 21:56
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Trockentrenntoilette
Antworten: 63
Zugriffe: 36801

Re: Trockentrenntoilette

Very tidy and professional installation. As for me, given a choice I still prefer a wet one that I can hide in case of emergency. :mrgreen: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xqAwmzq4X_E/XeQnc6dnagI/AAAAAAAAvvk/v9SbFZLSJMAsr4MdUzvhvlX93D_zNflagCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2019-12-01%2Bat%2B12.48.01%2BPM...
von chase4food
16.09.2019 09:45
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: James Cook on race track
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1048

James Cook on race track

This took place at Oregon Raceway Park.

von chase4food
02.03.2019 20:20
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Trockentrenntoilette
Antworten: 63
Zugriffe: 36801

Re: Trockentrenntoilette

All I can think of is why, why, why?

What does the cassette toilet lack, that the dry separation toilet provide? I can almost understand if it is for your green, very green, ultra green house that has been green washed. :mrgreen:
von chase4food
29.01.2019 04:30
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: dimmable wet cell LED light fixture
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 1134

Re: dimmable wet cell LED light fixture

Hey Vince, great modification! Can you explain how you are able to switch between the single and double Led strips. Do you need a separate power on/off? I have the same lights in my California Exclusive. They only have a two position switch - on/off. I'd love to do this mod to all my lights. Best, ...
von chase4food
23.01.2019 19:49
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: dimmable wet cell LED light fixture
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 1134

dimmable wet cell LED light fixture

I just finished up the conversion of the wet cell CF light fixture into lower power LED. I wanted to maintain similar color spectrum but prefer slightly less pink. While carrying out the conversion, I realize I can modify the fixture to have a high and low selection with minimal and reversible modif...
von chase4food
08.01.2019 18:26
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Schublade unter dem Durchgang
Antworten: 38
Zugriffe: 24180

Re: Schublade unter dem Durchgang

Here is a low cost (free) alternative that I prefer. Using a modified low aspect ratio wine carton. You can store 24 bottles of wine if you choose :lol: . I have yet want to make a customized storage for it with plywood as the cardboard carton is light weight and thin. The best part is you can choos...
von chase4food
30.12.2018 20:28
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Einparkhilfe nachrüsten
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 2266

nearly 90 degrees of vertical angle

What do you do if you need to be able to reverse your 4000kg JC to a 2000kg car trailer precisely? What if you want to be able to see the idiot following too close to your trailer that is 10 meters from the JC rear bumper also? These result in a requirement of a camera system to cover nearly 90 degr...
von chase4food
16.04.2016 05:51
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Bettverlängerung (gelbe Ausstattung) - Ideen/Tipps gesucht
Antworten: 16
Zugriffe: 5627

Re: Bettverlängerung (gelbe Ausstattung) - Ideen/Tipps gesuc

Hmm! I will go out to the limb. :o How can your pillow fall off the upper berth, if you deploy the child safety net that is integrated into it? May be it is "Lost in Translation" from Deutsch to English. :mrgreen: http://images.mentalfloss.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_640x430/public/transl...
von chase4food
10.04.2016 19:25
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Geschwindigkeits - Sensor
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1867

Re: Geschwindigkeits - Sensor

Ich dachte es wäre sowas ähnliches, Beschleunigungs Drehraten Sensor Drehsensor.PNG Ist nur die Frage wo das Teil sitzt. They are hall effect sensors mounted close to the brake rotors. I am quite sure they pick up the notches that are built onto the inside face of the wheel hubs or brake rotors. Th...
von chase4food
10.04.2016 17:26
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Geschwindigkeits - Sensor
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1867

Re: Geschwindigkeits - Sensor

Here, here!

Post #4 in this thread:
http://www.sprinter-source.com/forum/sh ... eter+cable

Edit: Actually in post #6, there is definitive proof and the detail of how the speedometer function operates - based on the speed information from all 4-wheel's sensors.
von chase4food
10.04.2016 17:16
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Geschwindigkeits - Sensor
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1867

Re: Geschwindigkeits - Sensor

Kann mir einer von euch sagen , wo der Geber bzw. Geschwindigkeits-Sensor beim 316 CDI (Typ 903) sitzt ? Oder woher der Tacho das Signal bekommt für die Fahrgeschwindigkeit ? Wäre Dankbar für jede Hilfe. Gruss endeavour I can be wrong. I infer the drivetrain control ECU get the speed information fr...
von chase4food
07.04.2016 22:02
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Absperrhahn außen vom Abwassertank
Antworten: 16
Zugriffe: 7775

Re: Absperrhahn außen vom Abwassertank

Nice :idea: . Stronger than new.
von chase4food
05.04.2016 23:36
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: Absperrhahn außen vom Abwassertank
Antworten: 16
Zugriffe: 7775

Re: Absperrhahn außen vom Abwassertank

komposti hat geschrieben:Sorry Vince, :oops:

i didnt want to hurt you :mrgreen:

Still friends :?:

Best wishes Komposti
Trust me. My feeling cannot be easily hurt. Of course we are still friends - despite of ... :mrgreen:

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