Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von zarathoustra
28.05.2017 20:25
Forum: James Cook Generation 2 (1995-2006)
Thema: part catalog 1995-2006
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 1521

part catalog 1995-2006

Good Evening,

Does anyone have the part catalog for the James Cook (version 1995-2006)?
I've found one from the US, but with lots of changes for electricity and gas.

Kind regards,
von zarathoustra
15.05.2013 21:07
Forum: Dies und Das - Vorstellung
Thema: How far was the James Cook ever driven from home ?
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 3759

How far was the James Cook ever driven from home ?

Hi every one,

As the James cook is a van made for traveling, I was wondering how far it was ever driven from home for a holiday/journey.
Maybe to the Nord Cap? Or the south of Marocco? Or even to the piramids of Egypt? Who knows ...

All stories are welcome!
Willem-A. Hameeuw

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