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von AeFFe
06.03.2019 16:04
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Rear space size
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1664

Re: Rear space size

I don't have any bike yet. I like this one ... https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mate-x-most-affordable-fully-loaded-folding-ebike?gclid=CjwKCAiA_P3jBRAqEiwAZyWWaJovq-CeB6V-pPeF96G8l2dc4LP6waNCoWazeX41H2KnyP-JY6uXkxoCZ18QAvD_BwE#/ .... but it will never enter inside a JC. Brompton e-bike is too exp...
von AeFFe
06.03.2019 15:08
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Rear space size
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1664

Re: Rear space size

Thank you Peter.

von AeFFe
06.03.2019 11:37
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Rear space size
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1664

Re: Rear space size

Looking better, I think it is the table. There is no other space in the upper part.

von AeFFe
06.03.2019 10:00
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Rear space size
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1664

Re: Rear space size

They seem two Brompton e-bikes, isn't it?

In the picture seems to be some space in the upper side used to store other items. Do you know which is the total height at disposition?

von AeFFe
06.03.2019 08:51
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Rear space size
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1664

Rear space size


Could you please let me know the size of the rear space of the NCV3 JC? I mean, opening the rear doors, space between bathroom on the left and kitchen on the right.
I'd like to use this space to transport two foldable e-bikes, each 78x103x59 cm.


Angelo Fucci
von AeFFe
29.01.2019 23:43
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Kaufempfehlung JC
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2248

Re: Kaufempfehlung JC

Swiss is not in the European Union and, as far as Italy is concerned, you must pay VAT and other import taxes also if you are purchasing a used car or van.
I don't know if this rule is applied to the Germany too.

von AeFFe
28.01.2019 15:28
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Differences between NCV3 models
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1491

Re: Differences between NCV3 models

nobody can help me?

von AeFFe
26.01.2019 19:02
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Differences between NCV3 models
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1491

Re: Differences between NCV3 models

Now is clear.

Have any idea about where to find a document listing differences between JC from 2007 to 2012?

von AeFFe
26.01.2019 15:26
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Differences between NCV3 models
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1491

Re: Differences between NCV3 models

Ten days ago there was a JC on mobile.de located in Bremen if I am not wrong. Price 68.500 euro. Built on 2013. I contacted the owner and he confirmed date of build.

Perhaps confusion is between build and bought ....

von AeFFe
26.01.2019 07:25
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Differences between NCV3 models
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1491

Differences between NCV3 models

Hello. Could you please help me to find a list of differences between 2007-2013 NCV3 models?
For instance ... no underfloor heating in the 2007-2009 models, 318/euro4 319/euro5 engine, and so on.

Thanks in advance

von AeFFe
08.12.2018 08:18
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: Where to buy parts?
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1706

Re: Where to buy parts?

Phil, why don't you buy parts directly from the belgian MB dealer and tell him to ship to UK to your address?

von AeFFe
07.10.2018 08:08
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: James Cook NCV3 quotation
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1985

Re: James Cook NCV3 quotation

Fleep thank you very much.

von AeFFe
06.10.2018 21:04
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: James Cook NCV3 quotation
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1985

Re: James Cook NCV3 quotation

Yes. That's my impression too.

In Italy market is cheaper than in Germany but vehicles are in worse conditions.

I prefer Germany market ( and Austrian and Netherland too). Problem is to find the right one. Price between 50.00 and 60.000 is ok for me.

von AeFFe
06.10.2018 17:04
Forum: James Cook Generation 3 (2006-2012)
Thema: James Cook NCV3 quotation
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1985

James Cook NCV3 quotation

Dear forum users, could you help me to understand which could be a correct quotation based on year (2007, 2008, 2009, ...) for an NCV3 James Cook? I'd like just to know your opinion. I understand that it could be very difficult but I'd like just to have an approximative idea. Thank you very much for...
von AeFFe
04.10.2018 17:34
Forum: Ankauf, Verkauf, Flohmarkt
Thema: I'm looking for James Cook NCV3
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 1560

Re: I'm looking for James Cook NCV3

Just to push up my request ...


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