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Re: faltbares Solarmodul
Verfasst: 05.12.2013 21:22
von elise
Hallo Spacy
sieht auf den ersten Blick nicht schlecht aus. ABER der Preis. Und wo soll ich das hinlegen??? hat sicherlich einen hohen Mitnehmefaktor
Da sind sicher festmontierte Module besser.
Im Frühjahr kommt Solara M42 aufs Dach
Gruß Elise
Re: faltbares Solarmodul
Verfasst: 07.12.2013 14:58
von Janno
Kann man das nicht selber bauen?
30w kosten 100€
90w also 300€ ... 2c7174a2df
Ösen sind ja sogar auch schon dran.
Re: faltbares Solarmodul
Verfasst: 15.12.2013 16:51
von OldWest
The Italian Solbian 100 watt panels may work. They are flexible but need care not to over flex. They use highly efficient cells versus the typical amorphous panels.
On the NAFTA T1N American version, two of these panels can be installed on the sloping part of fiberglass roof (we have air conditioning so cannot install behind skylight).
To fit 2 panels, need to slice away part of the border of one to conform to roof.
While these come in peel and stick, the adhesive is permanent. Also, these panels are like a huge credit card being wrapped around a ball, so a bed of adhesive will result in wrinkles. So there are better options.
1. Use 3M Dual Lock (like velcro but plastic on both sides) along borders (2") with small gap for water draining at front end, and tiny squares in middle to create air gap between panel and fiberglass roof. The Dual Lock allows panels to conform more evenly than a whole adhesive bed. The Dual Lock has self adhesive. To add extra security, a bead of sealant was used on front leading edge of solar panels (with gap for drainage).
Note--first round of panels glued with 3M 4200 to fiberglass top resulted in paint being scorched. One panel caught on fire, possibly from overstretched internal wiring during shipping.
On second round, temperatures all over new replacement panels were checked first to ensure no hot spots from wiring. Also, despite bypass diodes, small area of panel covered by a leaf in full sun could s till get super hot.
2. Affix solar panels to 6 km poly carbonate with channels. This poly carbonate prevents panels from being over flexed and provides cooling. Mechanical fasteners used (well nuts) to fix polycarbonate to sloping roof. Photos are at Yahoo Sprinter Westfalia (Yahoo has become difficult to use so may not be able to access.)
The solar panels for Option 2 used the same cells as Solbian but the flexible substrate was out together in China and the panels cost less than 20% the cost of Solbians.
Re: faltbares Solarmodul
Verfasst: 15.12.2013 17:00
von OldWest
The cheaper solar panels at Option 2 were purchased on eBay.
Would highly recommend not using adhesive to affix panels because difficult to remove panels and adhesive in future.
In Arizona a couple of years ago, bumped into a German couple with a rigid solar panel affixed in front of skylight in their James Cook. Although not as sleek as flexible panels, worked for them.
(Sorry for writing in American English. Unfortunately, don't speak German so am reading this forum with Google Translate. Forum founder has also generously created a subforum for the NAFTA American Airstream version for us. Hopefully, will see some of you there. Also, please ignore typos--difficult to edit on cellphone. Thanks.)
Re: faltbares Solarmodul
Verfasst: 16.12.2013 19:42
von Janno
Cheers OldWest,
thanks a lot for your advise.
Actually this thread is about building a foldable mobile version of the solar panel. Some of us don't want to modify their roofs. Some want to align their panel directly to the sun, to get a better performance of the panel.
Re: faltbares Solarmodul
Verfasst: 27.12.2013 19:10
von pschneller
schau doch mal bei, dort gibt es einen Solarkoffer...