210D (1992) - Seat cover and accessory belt

die älteren Modelle (T1), inkl. Skipper und Marco Polo
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: 19.08.2016 12:35
Wohnort: France

210D (1992) - Seat cover and accessory belt

Beitrag von 3singes » 15.07.2024 12:49


The fabric on my ISRI seats is quite damaged. Does anyone know if I can find covers to protect them?

I also need to change my accessory belt, which is squeaking more and more. What is the procedure? Do I need to remove the radiator?

Thank you very much!

ISRI-1.jpg (55.3 KiB) 1085 mal betrachtet
ISRI-2.jpg (72.94 KiB) 1085 mal betrachtet

- 1993 JC 210D, 160000 km.

Beiträge: 72
Registriert: 25.06.2024 00:08
Wohnort: München

Re: 210D (1992) - Seat cover and accessory belt

Beitrag von Kiwi » 19.07.2024 00:15

3singes hat geschrieben:
15.07.2024 12:49
The fabric on my ISRI seats is quite damaged. Does anyone know if I can find covers to protect them?
I also need to change my accessory belt, which is squeaking more and more. What is the procedure? Do I need to remove the radiator?
Thank you very much!

ask ISRI about the Seat. -> https://www.isri.com/unsere-produkte/sitzsysteme
or mayby a good Car upholsterer can do this.

About the skreaming accessory belt, its not necessary to remove the radiator.
It´s quit easy by the 602.940 engine. The length of the belt is importend !!!

good luck, regards Kiwi.

Beiträge: 1112
Registriert: 15.12.2015 20:11
Wohnort: Kreis Viersen

Re: 210D (1992) - Seat cover and accessory belt

Beitrag von KlassikJames » 19.07.2024 00:39

The belt tensioner and the pulley can cause the noise.
Removing the fan with the visco clutch makes the replacement easier.
Take a foto of the installed serpentine belt before removing it.

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