207d valve clearances

die älteren Modelle (T1), inkl. Skipper und Marco Polo
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 18.11.2016 02:56

207d valve clearances

Beitrag von cesarmax22 » 27.01.2025 16:12


I repaired the entire engine, and the specialist adjusted the injection pump on the bench. The engine sounds good, but It doesn't have enough power. On a flat route I go around 75km/h approx. (I get to 82km/h approx on full throttle).
I can't climb some dirt streets with high inclination.

I feel like the problem is valve clearances.

According to the manual, it says:
engine cold:
inlet valves: 0.15mm
exhaust valves: 0.35mm

I tried that, and the engine behaved extremely low on power.
I then tried:
inlet valves: 0.15mm
exhaust valves: 0.25mm

and the engine got much better, but still what I described at beginning.

and I also tried:
inlet valves: 0.15mm
exhaust valves: 0.17mm
and I didn't feel much difference to previous setting.

Has anyone repaired their 207d original engine and adjusted valves properly?


Beiträge: 2816
Registriert: 25.06.2009 13:56
Wohnort: Soest

Re: 207d valve clearances

Beitrag von AndiP » 27.01.2025 16:51

Hallo Cesar,
Welche Maschine hast du? OM616 mit 65PS, und mit der roten Kappe an der Einspritzpumpe? Wird der Motor über den Startzug gestartet? Oder hat der Motor 72PS und wird mit dem Zündschlüssel gestartet?

0,15 und 0,35mm Ventilspiel sind korrekt. Ich vermute eher eine falsch eingestellte Einspritzpumpe.

1985er JC 309D mit 520.000km

Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 18.11.2016 02:56

Re: 207d valve clearances

Beitrag von cesarmax22 » 28.01.2025 03:07

hi andi

I'm not sure which version. the engine does not start with the key. You have to pull the cable to heat glow plugs and then pull a bit more to start the engine.

I hope the injection pump is well adjusted, because it's expensive to do that again

one more detail, very important. the diaphgram of the injection pump got broken some time ago. I changed it for a replacement of another car (rastrojero) which is made here in Argentina. It is the same piece, but the engine got very little power. I believe it was because the leather was too tight, maybe the diaphgram was sitting there for some time and the leather got dry. So someone repaired the original one with a used piece of leather. With this last one, the engine started to work much better

and btw. with a new engine. what should be top speed on full throttle on a flat road?

Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 18.11.2016 02:56

Re: 207d valve clearances

Beitrag von cesarmax22 » 28.01.2025 03:10

btw my james cook is from 1981. maybe that tells you which exact engine it has

Beiträge: 2816
Registriert: 25.06.2009 13:56
Wohnort: Soest

Re: 207d valve clearances

Beitrag von AndiP » 28.01.2025 18:05

Hi Cesar,
I think you own the early version of this engine. Started by pulling a wire. The regulation is a little bit special. The regulation of injection pump works by vacuum, generated by a Throttle blade mounted in Inlet manifold. This throttle blaue must be adjusted correctly. The way to do this i don't know exactly.
For a detailed description please register at busfreaks.de. There i can show you a thread, or an other user can help you.
1985er JC 309D mit 520.000km

Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 18.11.2016 02:56

Re: 207d valve clearances

Beitrag von cesarmax22 » 29.01.2025 02:06

hi. I registered to that forum. can you show me the thread please?

Beiträge: 2816
Registriert: 25.06.2009 13:56
Wohnort: Soest

Re: 207d valve clearances

Beitrag von AndiP » 29.01.2025 09:00

I saw it, you got answer there.
1985er JC 309D mit 520.000km


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