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Water boiler not igniting

Verfasst: 24.01.2017 04:58
von cesarmax22
HI all,

I am trying to make the water boiler of my JC 1981 work with not luck so far.

The water boiler has been UNUSED for at least 15 years.

Here is a video of what it actually does when I press the button on the main console. ... TNvZTd4NkU

Here is the model of the boiler: ... m1ZUWNPOTQ

I don't hear the "clack" of trying to ignite the flame. I just see that electronic component blinking.

Things TO DO:
- I should probably clean the fireplace with a vacuum
- how do I clean the boiler?
- how do I check if the ignition spark if working correctly?

thanks in advance!

Re: Water boiler not igniting

Verfasst: 01.02.2017 03:36
von Roger
Is the exhaust blocked - 15 years = lots of spider webs.
Is the gas tap open? Each appliance has its own tap.
Is the exhaust vent cover removed? CO2 sensor will stop the ignition if the burner cannot vent.
Is there water in the boiler, open the hot taps and see if water flows into the boiler and its not been bypassed.
Is there 12V to the boiler and thermostat.
After that clean all the electrical connections as unused for 15years its likely there will be a lot of corrosion on the connectors.

Often you find that when someone decides to isolate an appliance they will do a few other things - fuses, gas taps, electrical connections. I'd do a complete check of the system making sure that 12V is getting to boiler, then gas, then water.

Re: Water boiler not igniting

Verfasst: 04.02.2017 15:50
von TheHenk
If you do not hear it igniting, it is probably not a problem with spider webs or no water in the boiler, because usually the first thing it does is trying to ignite the flame. So I would look also for the elecrticity first, then for the ignition hardware (although there will probably be a problem with a blocked air intake after you solved the ignition, so cleaning is necessary).