wiring help

die ersten Sprinter (T1N)
Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 07.03.2015 08:20
Wohnort: Suffolk, UK

wiring help

Beitrag von RichardThe3rd » 09.03.2016 10:31


I need help to find a good place to wire in a device. It is a 'CBE CSB-2' battery charger relay.

This allows a charge from a solar system to the starter battery once the leisure batteries are well charged, useful if staying in one place for any length of time.

I just need to find a '+' cable going direct to the leisure battery, and a '+' cable going direct to the starter battery.
Does anyone know which cables they are under the drivers seat?

Thank you for any help.
IMG_2841.jpg (100.94 KiB) 1368 mal betrachtet
Zuletzt geändert von RichardThe3rd am 25.05.2016 19:10, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 07.03.2015 08:20
Wohnort: Suffolk, UK

Re: wiring help

Beitrag von RichardThe3rd » 09.03.2016 18:24

I have worked it out, and installed the device under the drivers seat.
I have included a labelled picture with the connections i have made for the wiring.
It was very easy once i had worked out the where the wires for the starter and leisure batteries were.

Thank you
IMG_2855.jpg (107.53 KiB) 1337 mal betrachtet
Zuletzt geändert von RichardThe3rd am 25.05.2016 19:12, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 07.03.2015 08:20
Wohnort: Suffolk, UK

Re: wiring help

Beitrag von RichardThe3rd » 24.05.2016 23:05

The controller is working well. I would recommend it if you intend to stay in one place for any significant length of time. Cheers


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