ready to ship

die ersten Sprinter (T1N)
Beiträge: 19
Registriert: 09.10.2024 23:23

ready to ship

Beitrag von pjstock » 23.11.2024 15:56

after a delay due to the Truma water heater not working (which was thankfully fixed with just a routine cleaning) I finally got our "new" (to us) James Cook to the Antwerp port ready to be loaded o to a ship Nov 28th to Halifax Nova Scotia Canada where i will pickup around December 9th for an 1800km drive back to Toronto Ontario where we live.

hoping the weather is not too bad for that trip
IMG-20241122-WA0001.jpg (160.93 KiB) 871 mal betrachtet

Beiträge: 104
Registriert: 03.04.2006 18:36
Wohnort: München

Re: ready to ship

Beitrag von ojanke » 23.11.2024 16:46

I was always thinking about to get mine shipped overseas to the Northamerica and do a few trips there, how much is it?
Kindest regards
JC T1N BJ 99 - rot wird ein youngtimer werden 8)

Beiträge: 19
Registriert: 09.10.2024 23:23

Re: ready to ship

Beitrag von pjstock » 23.11.2024 17:24

fairly expensive
it would have to be a long trip (3-6months) to make it worthwhile.
I am paying about 3000euros for a one way.
double it for a return.

but then calculate the cost of hotels (about 150euros minimum) and car rental per day (50-75euros??)

though wild camping is rare here too. so budget campgrounds.

a company called SeaBridge is specialized in organizing two-way crossings for Europeans wanting to take their wohmobil for a tourist visit I North America
they made an exception for my Export

but SeaBridge is just a broker I think, a marketing function.
ultimately my shipper is called Herfurth.
but I doubt there is any discount for booking direct. I expect that Herfurth just pays SeaBridge a commission, like a hotel to a travel agent

Beiträge: 104
Registriert: 03.04.2006 18:36
Wohnort: München

Re: ready to ship

Beitrag von ojanke » 25.11.2024 10:45

ah well we did a 10 days one-way trip in 2023 for San Francisco to Las Vegas (2000 miles) with a rented ship from Cruise America, that was already more than 3000 USD.

So surely with would be worthwhile to have it there and maybe leave it there for 2-3 years and come back for doing trips.

Kindest regards
JC T1N BJ 99 - rot wird ein youngtimer werden 8)

Beiträge: 66
Registriert: 16.06.2012 21:09

Re: ready to ship

Beitrag von fritzelsalat » 03.12.2024 22:35

Hallo zusammen,
genau diese Idee habe ich auch, unseren Cookie für ein ... zwei Jahre in Nordamerika stehen zu lassen.

Meines Wissens ist dieses aber ohne Probleme nur für maximal ein Jahr möglich, in die USA zu fahren oder entspechend Kanada reicht wohl nicht.

Hat jemand diesbezüglich andere Informationen oder Erfahrungen?

Viel Grüsse aus Lünen
312D, 1999, Automatik, AHK, DPF, Diff-Sperre, Tempomat, LiFePo mit Victron-Ladetechnik mit Wechselrichter, AT-Reifen 225/75R16 auf Proline-Felgen, Fahrradgepäckträger Eigenbau


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