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Fuse for battery charger

Verfasst: 23.01.2018 14:08
von Adrianlle
Good Morning. I have just posted to say thanks for all the help with the new Webasto heater. Now I need to sort out the battery chargers bMy battery charger is not charging the batteries. When I plug in the 240v lead to the socket on the outside of the Cook, the central electronic panel over the cab shows the symbol that it is connected. The 240 v sockets then work ok. But no charge is going to the batteries. I may need a new charger- in which case I will buy a Fraron. But first I need to know if there is a fuse to check. So is there a fuse on the charger? Or is there a fuse between the charger and the batteries? Thank you. Adrian

Re: Fuse for battery charger

Verfasst: 23.01.2018 20:30
von Epeg
Es gibt keine externe Sicherung. Nur die große Hauptsicherung in dem schwarzen Kasten direkt an den Batterien. Aber wenn diese defekt ist, funktioniert garnichts. Im Ladegerät könnte eine Feinsicherung (Glassicherung) sein.

Sind alle Anschlüsse korrekt wieder angesteckt??

Teste auch nochmal den FI-Schalter 230 Volt

Re: Fuse for battery charger

Verfasst: 23.01.2018 22:38
von Adrianlle
Thanks, I will remove the charger, open it up and check the fuse before I order a Fraron replacement. Adrian