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Teilenummer des herunterklappbaren Handbremshebels?

Verfasst: 27.08.2024 17:01
von H14hpf

I am in the UK and have a James cook, My James Cook does not have the drop down hand brake lever which makes swiveling the drivers seat easier.

My question is, does anybody know the specific part number for the drop down hand brake lever?

Best Regards,

Re: Teilenummer des herunterklappbaren Handbremshebels?

Verfasst: 27.08.2024 17:21
von oliver unterwegs
B42450000057.020626.png (25.3 KiB) 590 mal betrachtet
Hallo Harry,

vielleicht hilft Dir das weiter: ... subgrp=450

stay well


Re: Teilenummer des herunterklappbaren Handbremshebels?

Verfasst: 27.08.2024 20:33
von Adrianlle
I’m also in the UK. The build card for my 2004 JC lists a folding handbrake. However I have never worked out how to use it - maybe I don’t have one after all ! As I have a 5 speed auto it’s not much of an issue as the handbrake is rarely needed. But I would be interested to know how to identify the folding handbrake and , if I have one, how to operate it. Thanks.

Re: Teilenummer des herunterklappbaren Handbremshebels?

Verfasst: 27.08.2024 21:06
von H14hpf

My build card also states folding handbrake which is option BE2 I think, mine doesnt seem to fold either so I assume mine doesnt have it.

I think this is the part number A901 420 25 12

If another member of the Forum could confirm this is the correct number then I can try and source one.
