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how do I know if i have ASSYST?

Verfasst: 30.01.2025 22:19
von pjstock
last question (for today.)

As my JC apparently has a brand new replacement engine, I would like to keep close eye on my engine oil level.
it seems that the ASSYST system could be helpful.
But I don't know if I have it.

when I push the KM button, it toggles between TOtal Distance and Trip Distance
when I hold the KM button I get a single wrench symbol (with the number 20600)
(is that possibly the real distance until maintenance? that seems loooong)

But I cannot seem to make anything else display
which I assume means I do not have ASSYST?

Re: how do I know if i have ASSYST?

Verfasst: 31.01.2025 09:45
Hello, your correct. The one wrench symbol is from the assyst-system. If you make most times long trips the km in the assyst will increase related to your driven km. So it is possible you can make more then 30k km after changing oil, but it depends on the type of oil.
But. I think you have change your oil at least every year. The JC is it worth. Regards, Gert

Re: how do I know if i have ASSYST?

Verfasst: 31.01.2025 19:18
von komposti
Hi, so wie das aussieht hast Du Assyst. Daher die 20.600 km bis zum Ölwechsel.
Allerdings wird Dir dadurch der Ölstand NICHT angezeigt. Den mußt Du altmodisch (zum Glück) über den Peilstab ermitteln.

Mein Assyst hat mir auch schon 35.000 km bis zum Ölwechsel erlaubt. Allerdings musste ich zwischendurch 2 x 1 Liter nachfüllen (Peilstab).

Beste Grüße über den Teich, Thomas