US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Crossing the Atlantic Ocean / Mit dem James Cook über den Atlantik
How to ship your Westy to Europe
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US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von admin » 12.01.2020 11:01

The 3rd Generation James Cook uses gas only for the stove. As butane is not available in the USA and Canada, you have to use propane. The stove runs with propane as well.

The plastic container is too small for any reasonable sized propane canister
LRexp_2014-05-19_P5S-IMG_4636.jpg (108.44 KiB) 11815 mal betrachtet

The only thing that we found that fits in are the Coleman 1lbs canisters. You can get them everywhere, prices sometimes as low as 3 USD.
LRexp_2014-09-27_P5S-IMG_6926.jpg (140.89 KiB) 11815 mal betrachtet
You need an adapter (grill-adapter/steak saver) from the small Coleman thread to the thread of the bigger US bottles.
Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-12 um 10.51.48.jpg
Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-12 um 10.51.48.jpg (159.8 KiB) 11815 mal betrachtet
Then you need a second adapter from US to German.
LRexp_2013-09-07_P5-IMG_1598.jpg (110.02 KiB) 11815 mal betrachtet
This is how the entire setup looks
LRexp_2016-01-14_P6SP-IMG_2863.jpg (108.97 KiB) 11815 mal betrachtet
together with the Coleman canister, the entire thing is pretty tall and at first it seems, that it doesn't fit in the white plastic container. But you can make it happen. The lid of the container has a little notch right in the middle. When the highest point of the regulator is exactly in the middle, you can close the lid and tighten the two screws. You have to fight the orange rubber hose, who is not your friend in this process.
James Cook 319 CDI 7G-Tronic (Modell 2006-2012) EZ 2012 3,88t
James Cook 316 CDI Sprintshift (Modell 2000-2003) EZ 2003 3,5t
James Cook 312 D Schaltung (Modell 1995-2000) EZ 2000 3,5t

James 4 FUN
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: 24.01.2019 13:21
Wohnort: Molde, Norway

Re: US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von James 4 FUN » 12.01.2020 14:26

VERY very clear explanation with the pictures!
Thank you very much Peter!
Hans, living in Norway owning a 2007 James Cook V6 automat 3880kg. NCV3

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Registriert: 17.08.2017 18:15

Re: US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von eppyranch » 30.01.2020 06:08

maybe just remove the plastic bucket and leave the metal container in the cupboard will it fit?
Mark 🥑

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Re: US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von admin » 30.01.2020 12:22

That would fit, even with larger bottles, but you loose an important security feature. The plastic container is gas tight and has an opening in the bottom, so leaked gas can exit the van.

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk Pro
James Cook 319 CDI 7G-Tronic (Modell 2006-2012) EZ 2012 3,88t
James Cook 316 CDI Sprintshift (Modell 2000-2003) EZ 2003 3,5t
James Cook 312 D Schaltung (Modell 1995-2000) EZ 2000 3,5t

Beiträge: 130
Registriert: 02.03.2023 12:33

Re: US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von lunatic » 03.06.2023 13:32

Hello Peter,

I am new to the forum and have just bought a 2008 James Cook to ship back to Canada in a few weeks. Everyone has been very helpful!

We will be faced with the propane issue in Canada. Did you buy the US to German part of the adaptor in Germany or once you got to the USA? You don't by any chance have a part number? I still have time to buy it in Europe as we are here until the end of the month.

I wonder if another option is to have an RV workshop in Canada replace the orange rubber hose and the regulator with a Canadian regulator and coupling? That way I could possibly eliminate one of the adaptors.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks, Ian

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Registriert: 09.10.2009 19:48
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Re: US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von netsailor » 03.06.2023 16:15

lunatic hat geschrieben:
03.06.2023 13:32

I wonder if another option is to have an RV workshop in Canada replace the orange rubber hose and the regulator with a Canadian regulator and coupling? That way I could possibly eliminate one of the adaptors.
Hi Ian!
Since the orange hose and the pressure regulator have to be replaced every couple of years, it should be an easy job to change everything to the Canadian standard. You can do it by yourself. Just make sure everything is tight by checking all the connections with some foamy liquid. The only requirement will be to match the pipe-inlet and use a regulator with the proper pressure to the stove.

James Cook Classic 318CDI 3,5t Automatik EZ 4.08; Eigenausbau 207D EZ1977 bis 2001

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Wohnort: Düsseldorf

Re: US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von admin » 03.06.2023 17:32

lunatic hat geschrieben:
03.06.2023 13:32
Did you buy the US to German part of the adaptor in Germany or once you got to the USA?
I bought it in Germany, either at Wynen-Gas

or from Seabridge Tours
James Cook 319 CDI 7G-Tronic (Modell 2006-2012) EZ 2012 3,88t
James Cook 316 CDI Sprintshift (Modell 2000-2003) EZ 2003 3,5t
James Cook 312 D Schaltung (Modell 1995-2000) EZ 2000 3,5t

Beiträge: 130
Registriert: 02.03.2023 12:33

Re: US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von lunatic » 04.06.2023 08:24

Thanks I appreciate the leads.


Beiträge: 130
Registriert: 02.03.2023 12:33

Re: US propane in a European NCV3 James Cook

Beitrag von lunatic » 04.06.2023 08:27

As you say, we can easily replace in Canada with a new hose and regulator to match Canadian standards!

For us this is a permanent Canadian fix.



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