Fridge switches off.

die ersten Sprinter (T1N)
Beiträge: 329
Registriert: 17.09.2015 11:56

Fridge switches off.

Beitrag von Adrianlle » 20.07.2023 20:56

Greetings from the U.K. We are on a trip at the moment and on a couple of occasions the fridge has switched itself off this week. The symbol disappears from the central control panel. Repressing the fridge and on symbols on the central control panel switches it back on again. There is plenty of power in the lithium batteries and no other 12 v circuit is affected. Could it be an over voltage? It’s only happened twice in the last week but is obviously concerning with a full fridge! Any thoughts? The fridge is my nightmare worry in the Cook because - unlike most things- if it fails I’m not sure how I would get a replacement/ repair - especially in the U.K. Thanks. Adrian

Beiträge: 366
Registriert: 03.05.2007 07:24

Re: Fridge switches off.

Beitrag von iCook » 21.07.2023 13:00

Unfortunately I am not familiar with assessing the possibilities of failure in your case. I hope somebody else can.
Spare parts are available from
Best regards
| Le voyage est court. Essayons de le faire en première classe. |
| Conquerors of the useless riding JC 08/2005 316 CDI, loaded |

Beiträge: 329
Registriert: 17.09.2015 11:56

Re: Fridge switches off.

Beitrag von Adrianlle » 22.07.2023 10:43

Thanks for the link - that’s a comfort. I’m now wondering whether the fridge switching off is an electrical fault. I’m starting a seperate thread on that. Adrian


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