Hello and request of information

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Registriert: 13.02.2010 21:52

Hello and request of information

Beitrag von andygas » 13.02.2010 22:01

Hello everybody,

I am writing from Italy, sorry but I just can write in English…

I really need your help because in this forum I have found some important informations about the James Cook and I would like to clarify some of my doubts.
I am interested in purchasing a used model (the actual version produced in the 2007), but I have read that it seems to be affected by some quality problems.

I am asking you about the winter use: are the heating problems really so big? Is really mandatory to upgrade the original heating equipment with an additional pack?
Are the water tanks heated?
Have you ever had problems with frozen water pipes or other bad issues during winter use with temperature around -10/- 20 °C?

What about any other important issues?

Do you suggest me to purchase this model or it would be better to consider the old version (maybe more reliable)?

Please help me ;-)

Many thanks in advance for informations
Best regards


Re: Hello and request of information

Beitrag von Servaas » 15.02.2010 12:09

Dear Andrea,

The standard heating works fine, however the James Cook is not really suited for winter use unless you keep the heating on 21° all day and night, the water tanks are not heated so..
In general the Sprinter sufferes from its all steel body. It is not comparable with the standard build camper with insulated sandwich panels of 4 cm. We stayed 10 days in Trentino-Alto Adige in minus 15° and had problems with froozen water pipes although the heating was on aswell as the boiler ( water pipe goes trough storage space that is not heated ) We have a 2004 JC, are very happy with it, if it freezes, we stay home...

Good luck!



Beiträge: 48
Registriert: 12.11.2009 16:12

Re: Hello and request of information

Beitrag von Lernix » 15.02.2010 18:19

Hello Andrea,
I have a 2008 model and I can confirm, what "Servaas" has explained. The standard heating device is completely overstrained in cold environment. I have built in an additional 4KW airheating system from Webasto and now I can spend my skiing holidays in warm temperatures, even if it -10 °C or colder ( almost 4000 € costs).The problem with frozen water pipes still exists, especially the pipe to the sink is freezing easily from around -8°C. I have tried to insulate it, but the critical places are not accessable.It is simply not insulated at all. I have discussed with the Mecedes garage and there might be a solution: they want to heat the pipe with the help of a warm airflow from the heating system. I will let them try.
If you have your heating on all the time the pipes in the bathroom do not freeze.
The fresh water tank is not heated, but it doesn't freeze, as it is inside the heated car.
The grey water tank is heated, but the problem is the water valve, which is freezing easily. So in Winter you have to leave it open and collect the water in a bucket.
If I get the freezing pipe sorted out, I will be happy with the James Cook as it is not looking like all these standard campers and it is perfect to drive.
Hope I could help you making your decision more easily.

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 13.02.2010 21:52

Re: Hello and request of information

Beitrag von andygas » 19.02.2010 16:12

Thank you very much for your detailed answers.

So, if I well understood - also looking at the other topics in this forum - finally the old model seems to be globally more efficient...
or in other words, there is not a real added value with the actual JC version (even if it is wonderful!).
About the winter use probably we can say that: "you can you use it, but take care with critical weather condition!".

See you!
Ciao, Andrea.

Beiträge: 356
Registriert: 13.10.2008 19:02
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Re: Hello and request of information

Beitrag von Andreas68 » 19.02.2010 20:30

ciao andrea,
our model is an James Cook Classic from 2008 and we are VERY happy with it. :P :P :P
Lernix hat geschrieben: The standard heating device is completely overstrained in cold environment. :? :?: :?
In winter 2008/2009 we were in the south of germany and there were temperatures from -17°C. We´ve had no problems with the temperatures, 8) 8) because the heating (original heating) stayed on day and night, so that the James did not cooled :idea: :idea: . So Servaas is right. But we had no problems with froozen water pipes. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Spacy hat geschrieben:A postarmament of the manufacturer Westfalia Variante 1 for 720.00 € is possible and also functions. :!: :!: :!:
The Variante 1 is very good, the heating works quiet and brings more power.

Lernix hat geschrieben:I have built in an additional 4KW airheating system from Webasto and now I can spend my skiing holidays in warm temperatures, even if it -10 °C or colder ( almost 4000 € costs) :shock: :shock: :shock: .
The Variante 2 from manufacturer Westfalia costs about 2.300,00EUR – AND NOTHING MORE!! 8) 8) The Varinate 2 is perfect in our opinion. It boosts in shortest time up to 25 °C (or more, if you want to :mrgreen: ) – we put it off, because we began to transpire. :oops: :oops:

Don´t be insecure – even the old oder the new model – the James Cook is a famous car in every way :!: :!: :!: .

Ricci and Andy
2017-20?? LAIKA KREOS 5010 4,25to EZ 2017
2008-2017 James Cook 318 CDI Classic 3,88to EZ 2008 Automatik.
Frei nach Dieter Nuhr: "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten"

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 13.02.2010 21:52

Re: Hello and request of information

Beitrag von andygas » 05.03.2010 16:29

Thanks a lot! You are really JC's experts!!!
Greetings from Italy and W JC!!!


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